PARABOL is an off-site collaborative project between Lydgalleriet and Kunsthall 3,14, another Bergen-based gallery. Lydgalleriet selects a sound work for the directional loudspeaker situated in Kunsthall 3,14's entrance hall.

PARABOL was initiated in 2008 and is a running collaboration that makes use of the abundant professional expertise and artistic diversity in Bergen. Kunsthall 3,14 has three gallery spaces, where they present contemporary art in various media and genres. PARABOL is the name of the sound shower located in the entranceway.

The sonic works presented here are curated by Lydgalleriet on invitation, with the intention of reflecting the exhibition themes presented upstairs. These sonic works are the first experience when entering the entranceway to Kunsthall 3,14, situated in the premises of an old bank. Lydgalleriet’s curatorial focus in the PARABOL project is on specific editions of a sonic contextual experience, always selected in relation to the main artistic programme at Kunsthall 3,14.

​PARABOL was curated by Jørgen Larsson between 2009-2013 and by Johnny Herbert between 2014-2017. Since 2019, Julie Lillelien Porter has curated the series.