Frequently asked questions

I would like to learn more about Lydgalleriet's sound system

Projects at Lydgalleriet often go beyond standardised ways of producing and mediating sound. In addition to a common equipment park, we have a custom built sound system for immersive sound reproduction tailored to the acoustics of our venue.

This sound system offers reproduction allowing experimentation not possible on simpler systems. The placement of the speakers means there are no reflections from the walls, allowing for good localisation of sounds even in a reverberant gallery space.

Users have access to the sound system through either a USB connection to our MOTU interface from their DAW of choice, or via analogue inputs from external gear. Students and advanced users can experiment with spatialisation using a variety of techniques, including 3D panning, Atmos, Dolby Surround or Ambisonics.

I would like to rent audio equipment

Lydgalleriet rents out technical equipment for sound-based art projects to artists and institutions.

  • Genelec 8020 and 8040
  • Genelec sub 7060B and 7070A
  • Genelec 8040 speaker stands
  • Panphonics directional speakers
  • Potdap directional speaker
  • Behringer 4 and 8-channel
  • Projector (NEC 1400-1080)
  • A/V cables

For more information, please get in touch with us at

I would like to buy audio equipment

Lydgalleriet sells Genelec speakers and equipment with a 25% discount to artists and art institutions.

  • Genelec speakers
  • Cable start-up packs

For more information, please get in touch with us at

I would like to send a proposal for an exhibition or project

Send us an introduction about yourself, an explanation of the work you would like to develop or show, including practical and technical details. It is also helpful with images or sketches. For more information, please get in touch with us at

I would like to see Lydgalleriet's floor plan