Resonance was an EU funded collaboration that ran between 2012-2014. The five co-organisers (and two associated partners) worked with a focus on the production, presentation, documentation and exchange of experience in the field of contemporary sound art.

Resonance presented the opportunity for different sound artists to produce new work in a European context. Most of the artists had been travelling to present their work but rarely had the opportunity to create new pieces abroad. First of all because organisations investing in sound art were scarce, and we knew that sound artists were looking for these possibilities.

The conception of their artistic plans happened in their local context, but were often difficult to realise without suitable spaces, context or ateliers. The experience of working together for two years meant that the RESONANCE co-organisers became experienced residency providers. They offer a stable context with financial, administrative, technical and artistic support in which new audio artworks can emerge. Each of the partner organisations offered one or two production residencies over a period of 24 months. In the end seven new sound pieces was the result of the project, where each co-organiser invited a non-local sound artist. Thus seven artists discovered new environments, new ideas, new professionals and also new colleagues.

The project organisations were Stichting Intro/In Situ (Netherlands- leading partner), Festival van Vlaanderen Kortrijk (Belgium), Hörgalerie Singuhr (Germany), Le Bon Accueil (France) and Lydgalleriet (Norway).