Samples of inclinations by Tolga Balci as an ongoing project and includes four pieces of sculpture for this exhibition. The combination of the sculptures give clues from architectural and musical interval elements to kindness of a social expression.
'Seemingly by default, we are programmed to enjoy harmony and there is no such thing as unique individual taste or free will. We can also appreciate disharmony, beautiful departures and beautiful destruction, if we perceive how the two ends of the harmonic specter are connected. Some do desire to make a religion under exposure of this fact.' (NN)
The experiment was to combine the mukarnas1 with the makam2 to build a muqarnas associated with each makam scale. This is the first attempt towards this ambitious goal. Meanwhile as part of a revolutionary movement under a de facto war by a government upon its citizens, we encountered the question first hand: had art become a relevant instrument for the common social experience or was art itself suspended – superfluous, only for leisurely times?
1. Makam – microtonal modal scale with rules. Makam is a type of classical microtonal music. To play turkish classical music one needs to divide equal temperament into 159 small pieces of interval and pick 79 of them, a scale of notes required to execute improvisation or composition.
2. Mukarnas – the architectural element. Element with West Asian origin which is used to connect for example pillars and corners as well as various forms of collumn heads. As we know, in the Islamic golden age, figurativity was forbidden and therefore they developed a high mathematical language of topological qualities of architecture. By way of pattern design (2D) and mukarnas (3D). High knowledge of harmony is required to develop this complex type of design. The 2d pattern must be uncoded to become to intended 3d form.
Samples of inclinations is supported by Bergen City Council and Arts Council Norway.