May 21, 2022
July 3, 2022


Photo: Kobie Nel/ Lydgalleriet

In Yuko Mohri's sculptural installation I/O, paper rolls move slowly, picking up dust and other particles from the gallery space. This particular debris attaches itself to the rollers, which then are scanned and converted to random electronic input-output signals.

Yuko Mohri kinetic installation I/O grows with its surroundings, environment and circumstances, creating an organic scenario where sounds and movements are never repeated. This is an iconic work having been shown in different ways and in different contexts internationally, always precisely adapted to the specific space it is part of.

For the exhibition of I/O at Lydgalleriet, Mohri has extended the installation with a constellation of light bulbs that that flicker in response to the debris collected through the mechanic feed of the paper roll. I/O is part of Lydgalleriet's program for 2022 with a focus on affiliations between human and machine and is shown in collaboration with Atelier Nord.

Supported by Bergen City Council.