October 10, 2008
November 9, 2008

Wonders Beyond Yonder

Photo: Ingvild Langgård

Wonders Beyond Yonder reinterprets nature through human emotions like ambition and fear, intertwined with elements of occultism and mythology such as ritual magic and mythical symbolism. Using natural sounds and acoustic instruments, her films play with light, shadow and focus to create a world oscillating between visibility and obscurity.

Langgård's work circles around themes where overruns and changed reality are essential. Nature is the starting point for several of the works in Wonders Beyond Yonder, often distorted, or as expressions of human traits as ambition or fear. Elements of occultism and mythology are prominent, such as reversal, ritual magic and mythical symbolism. Sound effects are based on recording of natural sounds, voices and acoustic instruments while the films are shot on 8- and 16 mm film.

In 'The Beast', the audience meets a rhythmic composition of black fur, an incomprehensible and changeable animal in circle. Alone and almost completely dark, but surrounded by sound, the perceptive ability of the viewer changes. The awareness of a delimited claustrophobic cubicle is replaced with the experience of an infinite black space. In the sound piece 'The Orchard' different mythologies are weaved together, such as the myth of Isis and Osiris, Norse Quad 'Volus and Hyndluljod', and not least elements of shamanism, a journey through time and space accompanied by a thousand-year-old lady.

Wonders Beyond Yonder draws lines to the symbolism and to the 50's film-connoisseur Kenneth Anger, with its baroque, aesthetic taboos where beauty approaches the grotesque. Enjoyment is in discomfort, and something strange and dangerous is known. Such as Mircea Eliade describes the term of the holy; As the manifestation of something completely different and opposite suddenly revealed in the middle of the profane, the exhibition shows the experimental glimpse of the second-sided, as something slips and the image of reality is shifted.

Wonders Beyond Yonder was supported by Arts Council Norway and Notam and produced by Lydgalleriet.