Listening event
November 1, 2011

The Microtonal Tuba

Poster design: Blank Blank

In Robin Hayward's music, the room becomes a beacon in the concerts, where the sounds develop in a slow course, as a meditation of the acoustics of the place. At the same time, the tuba tones the microtonal universe.

The fact that an instrument is microtonal means that it can produce tones between halves (black and white keys). Within microtonality, you divide the interval between halves into smaller parts, in order to hear four, eight, sixteen tones. For an untrained ear, these tones are initially 'flawed' as if the instrument is unsuccessful. But if you listen carefully, you gradually distinguish between the intervals, revealing brand new tonal landscapes.

The concert is part of the concert series NON FRONTAL, which emphasises encompassing sound experiences.