Artist talk
January 12, 2019
February 3, 2019

Speaking Signs

Photo: Bent Synnevåg/ Lydgalleriet

Speaking Signs addresses the complexity of ideas around homeland, cultural identity, inclusion/exclusion, freedom and self-determination of individuals in a society.

Adwan's work analyses the subject-formation of the Muslim Woman in the West through defragmentation of her multiple layers of identity: Woman, feminist, artist, diaspora, immigrant, westerner.

Her recordings, texts, soundscapes and photography compose the installation Speaking Signs, and are remnants of a personal journey taken over the last years. Big words and ideas like migration and integration don’t give space for understanding individual people, their lives and feelings

Speaking Signs combines poetic texts, solo voices, harmonies, chords and discords, together with images from the Middle East which trigger thoughts and memories and serve as a focus for invisible aspects and influences in life.

The at both times fragile and powerful installation brings forward expressions of living between cultures; exploring both personal narratives as well as giving space for other voices.

Curated by Julie Lillelien Porter and supported by Arts Council Norway.