April 5, 2008
May 4, 2008

Script for a Rehearsal

Photo: Lydgalleriet

Script for a Rehearsal is a solo exhibition by artist and writer Brandon LaBelle.

In the attic, 26 speakers are lined up as percussionists in a bow corps, with the aim of producing Guy Debord's canonised text 'La Société du spectacle' as a snare drum beat.

In the main room downstairs we show a new version of 'Radio Memory', a project based on memories related to a song or a specific sound that has been sent to the artist from all over the world. In the version for Lydgalleriet, LaBelle has constructed architectural models based on several of the memories, and presents these as video sequences.

For this exhibition, we also open up to the street outside the gallery with the project 'Hearing Things' which is shown through the windows and with speakers on the outer wall. In 'Hearing Things', LaBelle asks people to describe sounds they get presented through headphones.