November 14, 2009
November 17, 2009


Logo design: Blank Blank

What happens to live expression and improvisation when it is related to a gallery space? What is being added when transcribing linear, location-specific pathways into an individual experience area? How does a stage musician relate to installative processes?

Lydgalleriet challenges violinist and improviser Victoria Johnson with these questions, developing a dialogue and now pleased to show the result of this process in the form of a solo exhibition over three floors. Lydgalleriet shows four new installations, two of which are build on previous works and two which are newly produced.

The violin is the supporting sound element in all four installations, albeit distorted and alienated. Johnson has developed Satellitt based on the violin, reflecting her voice, role and environment and all four works can be read in a visual and sonic context. She has collaborated with Knut Vaage, Peter Tornquist and Ellen Røed.

Johnson performs on the opening night.