Directional speaker piece
February 17, 2024
May 19, 2024

Make your presence known

AI generated image: Kobie Nel

Make your presence known is a soundpiece by Kobie Nel, where the sensation of someone else's invisible but audible presence emerges in the sonic landscape.

The belief in the ability to communicate with the spirits of the deceased is woven into various aspects of modern art. However, such connections have often been met with condemnation from the public, yet despite this, spiritualism has left its mark on the women's movement, cultural politics, media and even forensic science. Nel's staged installations often serve dual purposes, not only for audience engagement but also as personal explorations. Each project is carefully developed, often based on extensive research into obscure stories or myths.

Make your presence known is curated by Julie Lillelien Porter in response to the group show Can the Afghan Speak? and Morn by Trine Lise Nedreaas at Kunsthall 3,14.