Artist talk
May 27, 2016
June 7, 2016

Lull – so ro

Photo: Camille Norment Studio

Lull – so ro is a new sound installation by Camille Norment, created specifically for Lydgalleriet. The work has the cradle as conceptual and thematic starting point and examines the human voice through lullabies.

A 'lull' is a comforting cradle song. The title is derived from the English word 'lullaby'. Norment is interested in how actual historical events are associated with personal and more intimate experiences in our lives. In the work we find strong contrasts between lulling's calming, hypnotic melody, but also cruel scenarios that are often conveyed in the lyrics of the songs. The voice bears a composite record of human emotions: longing, fear, and of need protection. Originally the word lullaby comes from the Hebrew word 'Lila-Abi'/ 'Lilith be gone'; a statement that shamelessly protects the child from the evil of mythological figure Lilith.

Lull – so ro is an installation experienced over two floors. The work sends voices and sounds from one floor to another in a rhythmic pendulum movement. The work also contains a new composition by Camille Norment, consisting of herself on glass harmonics, Vegard Vårdal on Hardanger fiddle and Håvard Skaset on electric guitar. On the opening night of Lull – so ro, Sofia Jernberg also contributes with vocal improvisation.

The installation is co-curated by Rune Søchting, and is part of Lydgalleriet's guest curator program supported by Bergen City Council, Arts Council Norway and Bergen International Festival.