Record launch
June 7, 2018


Photo: Espen Koen Webjørnsen

Hilde Marie Holsen's Lazuli is like an intense dialogue between composition and improvisation, where the music is perceived as complete, guided by destiny. And in many ways the result is monumental. To change one item is unthinkable.

'All the electronic sounds on the album are live and processed trumpet as they were on the mini-album Ask, says Holsen.

I've explored the acoustic trumpet and new ways to play, both conventional and unconventional, and tried to find different sounds that can also give the electronic sound image a greater sonic width. The music of Lazuli started as an improvisation, after which I made small adjustments on the tracks. 

Lazuli is based on a collaboration with the painter Tyra Fure Brandsæter. We have spent time working together, and used each other's expressions as inspiration for our own. The titles of the album are a tribute to the collaboration; they are all different types of minerals that have been used as paint pigments in paint.'