Listening event
November 25, 2005

Kunstmuzak Inc.

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A whole day of curated muzak for the shopping centre 'Galleriet' in Bergen. The public speaker system in the entire shopping centre played ambient and furniture music ranging from Eric Satie to Brian Eno.

This is one of the very first of Lydgalleriet's projects. Kunstmuzak Inc. presented examples of smoothly produced easy listening alongside contemporary music and newer electronic music, selected by Erlend Hammer and Steinar Sekkingstad.

Kunstmuzak Inc. tried to go beyond the limits of what fits into this particular setting, being a shopping centre.

What happens if, for example, a piece of emotional filmatic music is played several times in a row? Will the visitors of 'Galleriet' experience emotional insights and hurry off to fix broken relationships?

The aim is that it will be possible to find a balance, an aesthetic experience without compromising the actual errands the shoppers (and listeners) are doing. In collaboration with 'Galleriet', Lydgalleriet welcomes a different shopping experience and a different way of hearing border crossing, genre-crossing sound art.