October 16, 2010
November 14, 2010


Photo: Lydgalleriet

Lydgalleriet gives you a historical overview of tapetrading in Norway, following the lines in Norwegian cassette culture until today's present cassette renaissance. Before it was possible to share music online, the cassette was the most important medium for exchanging subterranean music.

Tapetrading was widely used, making it possible for people from all over the world to share music interests. Being an early representative for personal media formats, the cassette was also used by the record industry as a cheap format for sale. But first and foremost, it was a resource for individuals, accounting for significant music production outside the commercial apparatus.

On cassettes you could record your own music and make collections of music you appreciated. The Walkman player and the PortaStudio came on the market at the same time. Portastudio's capabilities, with four-channel recording studio in home format, making it a good combo for independent musicians. From then on, one could reasonably produce and distribute music without going the way about the established record industry.

Through sound, collectables and relics, KASSETT tells a story of cassette culture in Norway. The exhibition allows the audience to experience this music and sound universe.

Lasse Marhaug has put together an exclusive double collection kit especially for this exhibition, with contributions from Norwegian musicians with a love for the cassette format. Here we find both classics and brand new contributions. The cassette comes in an edition of 255 and will be for sale throughout the exhibition period.