August 20, 2022
September 11, 2022

Enter ghost, exit ghost, re-enter ghost

Photo: Julie Lillelien Porter/ Lydgalleriet

The analogue knows we are imperfect – our movements are unsteady – that we eat with our hands. In the digital universe, all of this is numbered and hidden. We have to learn everything all over again. We have to find out what is moving, what is boring, what is funny? What are our instructions?

Enter ghost, exit ghost, re-enter ghost is the result of a collective process where materials and movements, sounds and scenographies from the past have assumed a new form – a ghostly presence, attempted to be captured on analogue film and the use of experimental coal microphones.

With a title taken from the stage instructions for Hamlet, Verdensteatret alludes to what lies beyond the actual dialogue or action of a play, and to the poetry of what is noted in the margin. During the past years Verdensteatret have thematically immersed themselves in various forms of learning processes and tried to create a laboratory to study consciousnesses and how they are formed and interact. Both animals, people, machines and minerals are objects of study.

The work is the result of a collective process where materials and movements, sounds and scenographies from the past have assumed a new form – a ghostly presence, attempted to be captured on analogue film and the use of experimental coal microphones. When a film appears before our eyes at 24 frames per second, what is moving and what is standing still? Can soundwaves be captured in something material, something physical – become charred sound?

Verdensteatret consists of video and sound artists, painters and poets, and sculptors and computer programmers who together have developed an intricate audiovisual style. Their poetics are characterised by a dedicated long-term development, creating scenes of sensuous activity and an ongoing experimentation within different media which result in space related orchestral works. Combining aspects of concerts, theatrical performances and visual art installations, the company builds many of its large scale productions from raw materials collected during journeys combined with stories of the fragile human soul.

Supported by Arts Council Norway and The Ministry of Culture. Curated by Julie Lillelien Porter.