Directional speaker piece
November 13, 2021
January 16, 2022

An Echo Looped

Photo: Bernardo Serpa Gonçalves

An Echo Looped is a recording of an echo by Sarah Boulton, lasting for eighteen seconds.

'I have often thought of the potential for sound to feel like an object that can be held and passed between, or placed inside spaces and times. With this in mind, I can create performances that use sound inside of them and that challenge the processes of documentation. Because to be able to grasp a sound as a kind of object is to be able to draw it in memory, to be able to lift it into a fiction or into something whose form and format can always keep moving'.

Bouton is interested in how sound can perform poetically, and how she can work with sound in the same way she does with fragrance, moments, material and imagery. It becomes the subject of her work, which are ephemeral, continuous and formless.

An Echo Looped by is curated by Julie Lillelien Porter in correlation to Septentrionalis by Marianne Morild and Liquid ground by Enar de Dios Rodríguez.