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Freja Bäckman

Platelansering og lyttesesjon av Coda Press i samarbeid med Lydgalleriet kl. 19.00

I was told I chop wood like a ballet dancer (On Circles) er vinylplaten til artisten Freja Bäckman, som er en del av et verk med samme tittel. Det har vokst som en kollektiv innsats, gjennom workshops og improvisasjonsøkter med bass- og vedhoggingsgrupper. Platen siterer både setninger og form fra Gertrude Steins A Circular Play samt den musikalske versjonen. Den stjeler også som en form for appropriasjon fra en rekke kilder.

Lengde: 30 min. Stemme: Elena Schmidt, lyddesign, innspilling (side A og B) og original partitur (side B): Manuela Schininá, på bass: Cash Hauke, Freja Bäckman, Mitchelle Betancourt, Véronica Mota, Wassan Ali, vedhogging: Hanna Maria Bergfors, Henna Räsänen, Winnie Olbrich, ydtekniker (live): Lola Tseytlin/Sound Systers, coverdesign: Ebba Fransén Waldhör

Foto: Antti-Jussi Rantala

Liveopptakene ble gjort på District i Berlin april 2018 i et kuratorisk samarbeid med Suza Husse som en del av Freja Bäckmans serie I was told I chop wood like a ballet dancer.

Støttet av Kulturrådet, Norske Billedkunstnere, Bergen Kommune, Kone Foundation, AVEK, Svenska kulturfonden, Arts Promotion Center Finland, Bergen Center for Electronic Arts, District Berlin.

Record launch and listening event by Coda Press in collaboration with Lydgalleriet, 7 pm.

I was told I chop wood like a ballet dancer (On Circles) is the vinyl record of artist Freja Bäckman, which is part of a body of work with the same title. The work is following the origin of the word concert – to contest, question, dispute (with) as well as agreement in action. It has grown as a collective effort, through workshops and improvisation sessions with the bass and wood chopping groups. The record cites both sentences and form from Gertrude Stein's A Circular Play as well as the musical version. It also steals as a form of appreciation from a number of sources.

The record is published by Scott Elliott / Coda Press, 2020.
Length: 30 min.

Voice: Elena Schmidt, sound design, recording (side A and B ) & original score (side B): Manuela Schininá, on bass: Cash Hauke, Freja Bäckman, Mitchelle Betancourt, Verónica Mota, Wassan Ali, chopping wood: Hanna Maria Bergfors, Henna Räsänen, Winnie Olbrich, sound technician (live): Lola Tseytlin/Sound Systers, cover design: Ebba Fransén Waldhör

Photo: Antti-Jussi Rantala

The live recordings were made at District in Berlin in April 2018 in curatorial collaboration with Suza Husse as part of Freja Bäckman's I was told I chop wood like a ballet dancer series.

Supported by Kulturrådet, Norske Billedkunstnere, Bergen Kommune, Kone Foundation, AVEK, Svenska kulturfonden, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Bergen Center for Electronic Arts, District Berlin.